Jameson On Tap
Politics • Education • Culture
A podcast where we have common sense conversations to help us mobilize to win the culture war so we can Restore Liberty & Preserve America.
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Why I Started Jameson On Tap...

First, I have a confession to make...

I'm nothing special.

I'm not an answer to prayers... I'm not a savior, a Jesus Christ, a Donald J. Trump, or the Easter bunny.

I'm just an imperfect, rough around the edges middle-class citizen that was asleep at the wheel until... 2020 happened.

When I made the decision to run for Congress, it was because it was something I believed God was calling me to do and if I'm being honest... it scared me to death.


Because I'm not a politician nor did I know the first thing about campaigning. Nonetheless, I took time to pray about it and ask God for confirmation.

But something else I did was take the time to count the cost of what I was about to do.

I believe too many people jump into things without truly counting the costs of how the decision they're about to make may impact their families, their friends, their communities, and their personal lives.

That being said, I was obedient to what I believe God was calling me to and took a leap of faith... and both by the grace of God and support from people like you, during the 2022 Texas Primaries against Dan Crenshaw we were successful in taking 17% of his votes with only two things:

• $45k raised
• 3 months to campaign

Not bad against a highly popular incumbent like Dan Crenshaw who raised roughly $9 Million between January 2021 and February 2022.

But I'm not responsible for that... both the grace of God and the support of patriots like you are responsible for that.

And it's been humbling to know there are so many people who'd like me to run again in 2024.

So am I going to run for Congressional District 2 again so that we can take all of this momentum we've built and finally unseat Dan Crenshaw?

Here's the deal...

I'd really like to.

That's the goal, anyway.

But here's the problem...

(and this is why he won the 2022 Texas Primary race)

Let's pretend for a moment that Dan Crenshaw and I are competing businesses that have to get the word out about the products/services that we offer.

Dan Crenshaw started his business back in 2017 and I didn't start mine until 2021, which means he's been in business 4 years longer than I have.

He's had time to really establish a brand, a business, a great marketing strategy, a customer base, and even gain a ton of investor funding.

But since I didn't start my business until four years later, if I want to compete against Crenshaw, I've got to work even harder if I want to take enough market share to be a real threat to his enterprise.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that when I started my business, I had to start it on the side because, like you, I still have to keep a roof over my head and put food on the table.

The unfortunate reality is that no matter how bad his product or customer service is, it's difficult to beat him whenever he has the ability to outspend you 200 to 1.

Yeah, you read that right.

200 to 1.

Think about it...

He's got the money and power to hire employees, PR people, and a marketing team, and dispute the truth his competition is fighting to expose at a ratio of 200:1.

That's the reality that we're facing here.

And yet... our company (campaign) was still able to take 17% of his market share.

So the question becomes... how do we take even more market share and put Crenshaw out of business once and for all?

We're going to have to get creative. And in order to do that I need to be transparent with you... we're not going to accomplish it with $45k.

I'm going to need to turn the "side business" (campaign) into a full-time business so that I no longer have to split my focus between my career and my campaign...

...IF we are truly going to be successful, that is.

So there are two ways to do this...

1. I can legally pay myself a salary from the campaign.
2. I can earn enough in the private sector.

The first option is not a path I want to have to take because unlike other candidates, I'm not in this to make money and get rich. Also, (and this is just my opinion), campaign contributions would be better utilized for getting the word out to voters. After all, donors don't really GET anything for their contributions except the satisfaction of knowing that they donated financially to a candidate they believe in.

The second option, in my humble opinion, is the way to go. Especially if it provides real value and serves people in a meaningful way.

And so I made a monumental decision to start a new community here on Locals called "Jameson On Tap," and I don't mind telling you that part of the reason I started this community is so that I can make sure I can stay focused on politics and not have to split my attention between my career and my campaign.

But you want to know what my ultimate goal is?

I would like to be able to donate my entire congressional salary to veterans, first responders, and the mental health crisis as a result of my earning enough in the private sector that I can afford to do so.

But that's not the only purpose Jameson On Tap serves...

We all talk about how we need to wake people up, mobilize, equip ourselves, and take clear and concise action...

And that's another reason I created this community.

The intent isn't for this to be just another community on Locals - the intent is for YOUR voice to be heard, YOUR questions to get answered, and YOUR actions to mean something.

Let's have the hard conversations that we're not allowed to have on Fakebook or any of the other big-tech platforms.

Let's mobilize and build stronger relationships with other patriots so that we can unite, start taking action, and start taking our country back.

Let's hear from and connect with other patriots, thought leaders, and elected officials so that we can finally start taking our country back, little by little.

(As a matter of fact, my first guest interview will be with Chad Prather on Thursday, December 8 at 7:00pm CST)

If I was wealthy, I'd be more than happy to donate my time to make this all happen... but I'm not wealthy. As a matter of fact, during the 2022 Primaries, I lost a couple of clients and took a significant loss to my income.

And you know what?

I still haven't recovered completely.

But you know what else?

I still make the decision to show up and fight, every single day.


Because everything in our lives... movies, football games, the kid's soccer games, vacations, wine-tasting, beer drinking, Thursday night dinners & drinks with friends, and $8 lattes... none of it matters if we lose our country.

Our Founding Fathers pledged to each other their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor for the cause of liberty...

THAT is why I continue to show up every day and serve my community, my district, my state, and my country.

But I can't do this alone nor can I do it all for free at the expense of my family being homeless and hungry.

I all but went broke running for office so it should be clear that I'm not doing this to try and get rich... I'm doing this because I love my country and want to be able to put 100% of my focus on winning the fight to Restore Liberty and Preserve America... to unseat Dan Crenshaw.

But I need your help...

Which is why I'm inviting you to not only become a member of Jameson On Tap, but to become a supporter at only $10 per month.

That's one less trip to Whataburger each month.

One less latte...

One less bottle of wine...

One less margarita...

I'm not going to guilt you into it by asking you, "Can I count on you?"

Instead, I'm just going to humbly ask you to tap in and support our movement.

Instead, I'm just going to humbly ask you to tap in to help me reach a place where I can donate my entire congressional salary to the causes that are important to people like you and me.

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What else you may like…
Stop Holding Your Nose for RINOs (pardon my rant)...

For decades, we've held our noses to vote for RINOs like Dan Crenshaw, August Pfluger, and Kevin McCarthy... the lesser of two evils... and how's that worked out for us?

The full Jameson On Tap episode with Aaron Sorrells dropped last night here on Locals.

Here’s a list of Jameson On Tap episodes currently available:

• “How to Bring Common Sense Back to Politics" w/ guest Chad Prather

• "The War on Guns and Holding Legislators Accountable" w/ guest Wesley Virdell

• "How the Border Invasion Impacts the Culture War" w/ guests Manny Rodriguez & Frank Lopez

• "Hero Worship and Winning the Culture War" w/ guest Damani Felder

• "Turning Pain into Purpose" w/ guest Ray Higdon

• "The True Cost of Running for Public Office" w/ guest Aaron Sorrells

Use code 50FREE to get access to it all free for 30 days... or get two months free by becoming an annual supporter (code doesn't apply to annual option).

Has Liberty Become an Illusion?

Has liberty become an illusion... and are we living in a matrix that the establishment has deliberately constructed over time in an effort to see just how much liberty we're willing to give up in exchange for temporary safety?

Become a supporter today to listen in on the full episode!


Welcome! Get Tapped In...

Why did I create this community and why am I humbly asking you to "tap in" to support our movement?

Check out the welcome video below...

Enemies or Allies?

It is commonly said in politics that “you’re either with us or against us.”

While framing a fight as “us or them” is a rhetorically powerful way to raise the emotional stakes for commitment, such an attitude distorts reality by unnecessarily creating enemies out of potential allies.

It also runs in complete contradiction to the Word of God.

Let me set the stage. The disciples of Jesus had been out and about in the countryside and they saw people they did not know performing miracles in the name of Jesus. So they told Jesus—no doubt hoping to earn accolades from their Teacher—that they had tried to stop these people.

They got something else, instead.

“Do not stop him, for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon afterward to speak evil of me,” said Jesus.

Pay attention to the next 11 words, found in Mark 9:30. “For the one who is not against us is for us.”

The political world says, “If you aren’t for us, then you are against us.”

But Jesus says, “The one who ...

Rebranding America: The Oligarchs Want Their Serfs Back

Monday night I was the guest speaker at the Montgomery County Tea Party and I brought a guest of my own... good friend, Ron Bloomingkemper.

Topic: Rebranding of America: The Oligarchs Want Their Serfs Back

The audience was very interactive and it was quite the honor!

Shoutout to Wendy & Tim Yockey for recording!

The Illusion of Liberty

I will never play the victim card nor deny that it is the responsibility of WE THE PEOPLE to fix our government. However, I will not ignore an inconvenient truth…

No matter how badly you may want to:

For most working-class Texans, showing up in Austin or Washington to testify and show support or disdain for a specific bill is not practical in 2023.

When you’re struggling to put gas in your car, pay the bills, buy $350 worth of groceries that in the past only cost $200, and rework three months budget to replace a transmission - who can afford to miss work to spend more money driving or flying to our state or nation’s capital?

Ironically enough, besides voting, going to Austin or DC to testify is precisely what we should be doing.

These are our responsibilities as citizens, and neither is lost on me.

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